Thank you for purchasing INSPINIA admin theme. If you have any questions about the template, please feel free to contact us via email:
Documentation created: 10/05/2015This documentation is focused on Meteor version. It assumes a minimum knowledge of Meteor framework. It describe mainly files and structure in project. Please note that this documentation is dedicated to the main element of the template. With each version, we will try to develop it. But if you have any questions going beyond what is described here don't hesitate to write to us on support email. We would love to help.
To run Meteor Inspinia you will need Meteor package installed. Please go to Meteor website to install package for your system:
Before you run Inspinia please be sure that you can create and run sample Meteor app: Please be sure that you don't have any error while runing sample Meteor app.
If everything work well please go to Meteor_Full_Version (Inspinia Meteor folder) and run meteor command
Next open your web browser and go to.
And after that you will see the app running. If you have any problem on this stage feel free to write to us on support@webapplayers and we will try to help.
File pack containing INSPINIA Meteor template consists:
├── .meteor/
├── client/
├──── config/
├──── plugins/
├──── startup/
├──── stylesheets/
├──── views/
├── public/
├── server/
The main layout is a mainLayout.html file under client->views->layouts->main.html. Main layout is set in client->config->router.js as a layoutTemplate. So all views (templates in Meteor) are use this main layout.
<template name="mainLayout"> <!-- Wrapper--> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- Navigation --> {{> navigation }} <!-- Page wraper --> <div id="page-wrapper" class="gray-bg"> <!-- Page wrapper --> {{> topNavbar }} <!-- Main view --> {{> yield}} <!-- Footer --> {{> footer }} </div> <!-- End page wrapper--> <!-- Right Sidebar --> {{> rightSidebar }} </div> <!-- End wrapper--> </template>
Main layout use common templates like navigation, top navbar, footer, right sidebar. All common templates you can find under client->views->common
Each page in Meteor is a template. All pages/templates you can find at client->views->pages folder.
├── appviews/
├── cssanimations/
├── dashboards/
├── forms/
├── gallery/
├── graphs/
├── gridoptions/
├── layouts/
├── mailbox/
├── miscellaneous/
├── otherpages/
├── tables/
├── uielements/
├── widgets/
Each page has also own pageHeading template - it is a heading bar with breadcrumb
It is added to view as a {{> pageHeading}}
{{> pageHeading title='Advanced form elements' category='Forms' }}
And the structure of it is:
<template name="pageHeading"> <div class="row wrapper border-bottom white-bg page-heading"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h2>{{title}}</h2> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <a href="{{pathFor route=home}}">Home</a> </li> {{#if category}} <li> <a>{{category}}</a> </li> {{/if}} <li class="active"> <strong>{{title}}</strong> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </template>
Meteor has own build and injection system. So you dont need to worry about adding a script. In client->plugins folder are all files for plugins. Thay are automatically added by Meteor to your app.
To manage all route we use great plugin iron-router
It allows you to organize the parts of your interface into a templates.
Below you can see example of configuration routes. Configuration routing are in client->config->router.js
// // Dashboards routes // Router.route('/dashboard1', function () { this.render('dashboard1'); }); Router.route('/dashboard2', function () { this.render('dashboard2'); }); Router.route('/dashboard3', function () { this.render('dashboard3'); }); Router.route('/dashboard4', function () { this.render('dashboard4'); this.layout('layout2'); }); Router.route('/dashboard4l', function () { this.render('dashboard4l'); }); ..... // Other routes
Inspinia provide few option for you layout app. There are:
Fixed sidebar is a sidebar that is sticked on screen.
To add fixed sidebar you need to add .fixed-sidebar class to body and initialize slimScroll for it.
In client->views->layouts->main.js file you can see a comment // FIXED-SIDEBAR.
To add fixed sidebar you just need to uncomment this code:
$('body').addClass('fixed-sidebar'); $('.sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.9 });
Be sure that you have slimScroll plugin in your project. (it is included in Full version as well as Seed project)
Fixed navbar is a top navbar that is sticked on screen.
In client->views->common->top-navbar.js file you can see a comment // FIXED TOP NAVBAR OPTION.
To add fixed navbar you just need to uncomment this code:
$('body').addClass('fixed-nav'); $(".navbar-static-top").removeClass('navbar-static-top').addClass('navbar-fixed-top');
Fixed navbar 2 is a top navbar that is sticked on screen and it's width is the same as the width of wrapper
In client->views->common->top-navbar.js file you can see a comment // FIXED TOP NAVBAR OPTION.
To add fixed navbar 2 you just need to uncomment this code and replace with new one:
$('body').addClass('fixed-nav').addClass('fixed-nav-basic'); $(".navbar-static-top").removeClass('navbar-static-top').addClass('navbar-fixed-top');
Fixed navbar 2 works only on primary layout
Fixed footer is a bottom footer that is sticked on screen.
In client->views->common->footer.js file you can see a comment // FIXED FOOTER.
To add fixed footer you just need to uncomment this code:
Layout 2 is a top navigation with centered content layout.
For layout 2 we prepared special examples files in client->views->layouts->layout2.html
<template name="layout2"> <!-- Wrapper--> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- Page wraper --> <div id="page-wrapper" class="gray-bg"> <!-- Navigation --> {{> topNavigation }} <!-- Main view --> {{> yield}} </div> </div> </template>
To use layout 2 all you need to do is to specify it with your router.js: (example from dashbard 4).
Router.route('/dashboard4', function () { this.render('dashboard4'); this.layout('layout2'); });
And you will get a Layout 2.
You have to remember that now your menu is located in client->views->common->top-navigation.html file.
Off canvas menu is a menu that not change the width of main wrapper page. It appear on top of the page.
To use off canvas menu you just need to add .canvas-menu
to body element and initialize slimScroll for it.
We add example page for offCanvas menu client->views->pages->appviews->offCanvas.html. And the js file for it:
To enable off canvas you just need to applay class and plugin in template rendered function
Template.offCanvas.rendered = function(){ // Add special class for off canvas menu layout $('body').addClass('canvas-menu'); // Initialize slimScroll for left navigation $('.sidebar-collapse').slimScroll({ height: '100%', railOpacity: 0.9 }); };
Inspinai theme has 3 diferent skins
To change skin you just have to add skin class to body element.
In client->views->layouts->main.js file you can see a comment // SKIN OPTIONS.$('body').addClass('skin-1');
In LESS files skins.less you can find style for the skin. Below is a representation of css classes demand color skin.
- Blue
- Inspinia Ultra {for support with Inspinai Ultra please contact with}.skin-3
- Yellow/
- Material Design Skin (In demo Inspinia Material Design version has also fixed sidebar and fixed navbar option)It is an application skeleton for a typical Meteor web app. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your Meteor webapp projects. It has all necessary resources/files to help you started new project. As your project will grow you will need to add new resources. Look at the full version to select the elements and resources you want to use.
Seed Project you can run exactly the same as Full version by command meteor
Contact as with email: