Easily create knob input style.
Are perfect for range select option.
A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. It supports the mousewheel and the up/down keys.
Basic example with empty value
Example with postfix
Example with vertical button alignment:
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It can take a regular select box and turn it into:
A placeholder value can be defined and will be displayed until a selection is made.
Select2 also supports multi-value select boxes. The select below is declared with the multiple attribute.
Simple and easy select a time for a text input using your mouse.
A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery).
jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags
Basic example with few initial tags
A JavaScript widget for choosing date ranges. Designed to work with the Bootstrap CSS framework.
The Date Range Picker is attached to a text input. It will use the current value of the input to initialize, and update the input if new dates are chosen.
Colorpicker plugin for the Twitter Bootstrap toolkit.
Input masks allows a user to more easily enter data where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format.